Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nicole Moustakas’s Talent

Talents can range from flat out stupid to totally awesome, and how you determine how to classify a talent depends on your personality. Well, Nicole Moustakas a sophomore here at Lutheran High North has a talent in acting. Now this may be boring but Nicole has been the role of three people all in one show. Now that is a lot of quick changes and different personalities.
            Nicole stated she enjoys acting because Nicole gets to become someone she is not. In other words Nicole gets to become a character and develop its personality and basically get to become that character for the period of time that the play is going on. Nicole also stated that she chose to start acting because Nicole enjoyed speaking in front of people and Nicole has always had a lot of emotion when speaking. Nicole also likes to use her hands while talking so you put speech and use of hands together and you get an actor/actress. Nicole has been involved in some from of acting since she was in seventh grade.
            Nicole stated that she would like to take up acting as an official career if she could get into an acting school like Julliard she would, however she also stated that “making it in acting is a hard thing to do so it’s not the most secure job.” Some words of advice from Nicole: Nicole said “I find that becoming my character is the easiest. It’s usually really easy for me to get into character.” Nicole said “The hardest part of acting is memorizing the lines and sticking to the script. I have ideas but what the character says goes.”

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