Thursday, September 30, 2010

Year In The Life Of...Mrs. Perterson (Issue 1)

My year in the life of topic this year will be Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. P. Some people don’t know what Mrs. P really does, and that’s why I picked her. Some of what I will be covering are what Mrs. P does on a day-to-day basis, if Mrs. P’s job is ever stressful, how Mrs. P’s job varies from day to day and month to month, and her personality. Now let’s get to know Mrs. P a little bit more.
Mrs. P has been at LHN since July 2000. Mrs. P has been a school secretary for twenty-seven years. Mrs. P has only been a secretary at one other school-Milwaukee Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Some of Mrs. P’s favorite parts of the school year include the beginning of the school year when all the kids come back and she gets to meet all the new freshman, selling powderpuff shirts and all the other things that go along with homecoming and Homecoming week, Future Freshman Day, and last but not least getting all the seniors ready for graduation- of course not because she wants us to leave but because she finds it exciting to see how far we’ve come since freshman year and what our future plans are.
Mrs. P describes the first couple weeks/month of the school year as an exciting, stressful, fun time all rolled into one, it can be stressful because Mrs. P has to organize all the mounds of paperwork the faculty and students have to hand in, getting all the NOAH hours recorded for those who have owed hours from last year and for those who have handed in hours for this year, amongst doing all this they have to help students with their schedule, lunch time, locker combinations, etc., but Mrs. P says she’s learned to go-with-the-flow. Mrs. P says the excitement and fun is seeing all the kids who were here for years before come back and are just oh so happy to be back in school- just like Mrs. P is, and to meet all the new students that are joining us at LHN.

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